Thursday, May 3, 2012

More :)

She loves her Daddy's hats

And her brothers trucks :)

He watches TV like a monkey...aka like Marcus :)

Who doesn't love a good squirrel ride :)

My kids don't like dirty hands


Momma is excited when this hair grows out!

It isn't hard to imagine what he might look like as a teen :)

Loves himself a good board walk...

constant smiles

I can't imagine these shoes could be cuter on anyone else

Asking Benjamin to pose is not usually difficult :)

Great day for mud puddles

still smiling

The higher the better!

Benjamin's turn!

Swing+Boots+Puddle = :)


I see you!

march on over

secrets secrets

running break

found himself some dandelions

he's done with the pictures

she's not :)

Look Momma, its a big one!

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