Friday, January 25, 2013

Things my littles say...

V - " Whatchor eye balls doing?"

Both - "Can I be excused? I'm full up to here!"

V - "Nenin not talking to me, momma! Nenin you talk to me? Nenin! Nenin!"

B - "No Vidowet.  Only me and Daddy do that!  Only boys, Vidowet!"

V - "I do it all by myself, Momma." (about EVERYTHING!)

V - "Oh My Goodness!" (about anything exciting)

Both - "Thank you God for all these people Jesus name amen"

B - "I so tiwerd, momma. [Eating] makes me so tiwerd!"

V - "You no say that to me." - so funny, but so snotty

V - "I brush your hair? Oh its soo pretty!"

B - "Daddy, You need to erase that!" (while he pets his stubble on his face)

B - "Oh, I just so shweaty!"


Sheila said...

I miss you :(

I love you! :)

Auburn VK said...

Long overdue
But so worth the wait