Sunday, May 19, 2013

In the words of B & V

Oh how I have failed!  These two loves are spitting out quotable sayings and funny "doings" so fast, and I have neglected to jot down a single one any of the million times I think, "oh, I don't want to forget that!"  So here I go, trying to remember...

"sometimes they do, sometimes they don't" - their phase for EVERYTHING: why planes crash, why worms die, why gum gets mushy, why babies cry, why its sunny, etc etc...

"Violet why...(are you crying ...did you hurt Benjamin ...did you disobey ...)?"  V -"Because I want to hold you!"

This is Violet's frequent respond when asked where she is going: "To pink school.  to learn about pink dogs and pink cheetahs.  But Nenin is going to black school.  He learn about black and orange tigers and they say Raoar! and they not nice, but pink puppies say that quiet and they so cute....."

B - "Oh! that is so so so so so so (beautiful/big/funny/great/awesome/amazing/delicious)

Imagine the sweet voice of Mary on "It's a wonderful Life" when she's sitting at the counter and he shows her the National Geographic magazine... Now imagine Violet (and sometimes Benjamin) being introduced to anything that they didn't know, haven't heard, didn't see or anything of the sort. A little voice pipes up, "Wow! I never saw that before/I didn't know that before/I never knew that."  A-dor-a-ble

Sometimes your kids surprise you with how much they are like you.  Sometimes we have that.  Then other times they are so stink'n 1940ish we don't know where they came from.  Like when you ask Benjamin to do something and he reply's, "Why sure I can Momma!" :) Melt.

Well, that's all I've got for now.  Stay tuned :)

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Keep them coming. :) I listen to Violet sing all the time. It makes me all warm inside.