Saturday, December 27, 2008

a mover and a shaker

Our baby is wild. We dont know the sex, but boy or girl, this child is crazy. For about an hour and a half this morning I've been convinced that a little leg or arm is going to pop out of my belly button.
I have been feeling great, but Christmas day was a little rough. I wasn't feeling at the top of my game, but thought I was just tired or something. I COMPLETELY over did it on my moms potatoes and spaghetti corn. (I thought it was necessary to mix them together) And three helpings later I rolled downstairs for an hour nap. I really didn't feel well when I woke up, and to make a long story short, I got the flu that night. I though it was simply over-eating, but the nurse at my OB office, said I had the flu. YUCK!
Well I hope you all had a very merry christmas. I will hopefully get some great family pictures up soon!

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