Wednesday, February 25, 2009

week 31

Hello! Well, we are in week 31 of this crazy journey and our house has officially been taken over by BABY! We were ridiculously blessed with 3 showers. I'm now in the process of organizing, putting away and attempting to find receipts for duplicate take backs.

Our babies first shower was thrown at my Mom's house, by my sisters. It was so fun to see so much family and home town friends that i haven't seen in a long time. It was also slightly stressful to see so many individuals who I wanted to spend hours with, and couldn't. We received more gifts than we deserved and realized that a baby room we thought was large, was soon going to seem very very tiny. Every gift was amazing but one in particular was very creative! A friend Christine has found that making her own baby wipes has resulted in no diaper rashes, and she got me a great start in cutting paper towels, and all the ingredients to make my own. I would have never been adventurous enough to jump into the project had she not go me started, but now I am excited! My sisters/mom lives are crazy with weddings and babies, and I was so appreciative of everything. Seeing friends from Chicago and Dubuque was fantastic also!

Our second shower was in MN. It was originally scheduled for Saturday, but when we arrived in MN friday night Joel and I were struck with a crazy intense flu. It lasted all night and our family was fantastic and rescheduled the shower for Sunday. We were once again overwhelmed with peoples generosity. We received two gifts that I wanted SO much but was afraid We wouldn't afford. Family went in together and got us an amazing travel center and I got my much wanted bunny/meadow bedding! Two families decided that they were so certain we needed to have a girl, they bought all girl clothing. I thought it was hilarious! We were so thankful for great family who put up with our sickness and worked so hard to re-schedule.

Our third shower was church family and friends and was so great. I was most relaxed here, (after two shower practice rounds) and we were once again "showered" with so much. There were some pretty fun games, and my friend Jess made this absolutely amazing brownie dessert. We got some great books, and impressive homemade blankets, just to name a few! Once again, we were overwhelmed!

So now comes the waiting game. 9 more weeks, seems like a long time to wait, but at the same time, there is so much to do! Joel put the crib up yesterday and it looks amazing! I'm trying to figure out how many duplicates of things I need such as: onsies, diapers, bottles, sippy cups, blankets etc. We have a lot of the "essentials". Soon well take a trip and pick up our pack'n'play, high chair, diaper bag, etc. We missed out on the great deal of a white rocker that we found, so we're on the look again for another. We also are just waiting for warm enough weather to strip and re-pain the dresser. Then we can really get things organized!

Keep praying for the growth of lil'lewicki in the next two months!

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