Wednesday, January 20, 2010

acquainting children with Gods unfathomable love and his justice...

Here are some notes that I took from the first few chapters of a book that I'm currently reading.  I am just now approaching  the stage where Benjamin is looking at me with eyes that ask, "Are you going to let me do this?"  I thought these were some very helpful pieces of advice for Joel and I as we begin to adopt a discipline plan for our curious little boy.  Although every parent and every child differ in what specifically works for them, I have been very excited by the encouragement and direction from the book.  I know I have talked to a couple friends who were interested in the book, so I thought I would post some "golden nuggets" that I've found, and wet your appetite to dive in yourself!  Happy parenting!

Dare to Discipline by Dr James Dobson

-          Extremes are obviously harmful
-          GOAL healthy happy respectful children
5 Underpinnings to Common Sense child rearing:
1)      Developing Respect for parents is the critical factor in child management
a)      It is imperative that a child learns to respect his parents, not to satisfy egos, but because his relationship with them provides the basis for his later attitude toward all other people. 
b)      If you want your child to accept your values when he reaches his teens, then you must be worthy of his respect during younger days.
c)       GOAL: acquainting children with Gods unfathomable love and his justice
d)      KEY: interpretation of a given behavior
a.       Deciding whether an undesirable act is a direct challenge to leadership
b.      Spanking  advice – 18months – 10 years ONLY for authority challenge
c.       Disciplinary action is not an assult on parental love, it is a function of it
d.      Punishment should not be done to…but done for…
e.        When parents lose these early confrontations the later conflict becomes hard to win
f.       A child’s resistant behavior always contains a message to his parent which must be de-coded before responding
2)      The best opportunity to communicate often occurs after a disciplinary even
a)      Loving conclusion to a disciplinary encounter
3)      Control  without nagging
a)      Using action to achieve the desired behavior
b)      Pro timers/buzzers
c)       *MINOR* pain consequences
a.       Much more willing to cooperate if it were to their personal advantage
4)      Don’t saturate the child with materialism
a)      become no longer thankful
b)      becomes less exciting
a.       pleasure occurs when an intense need is satisfied
                                                                                                   i.      no need/no pleasure
b.      “don’t kill the little birds by feeding them too much”
5)      Establish a balance between love and discipline
a)      the closest we can get to a successful formula for parenting is that balance

-          when you are defiantly challenged, win decisively
-          treat them with respect and dignity and expect the same from them

1)      I love you more than you could understand.  You are precious to us and I thank God that he let me be your parent
2)      Because I love you so much I must teach you to obey.  That is the only way I can take care of you and protect you from things that might hurt you (Eph 6:1)
-          There is security in defined limits

-          Behavior which achieves desirable consequences will recur
 *Principals to cause the law of reinforcement to reach its full potential*
1) Rewards must be granted quickly
               a) chart list of responsibilities
               b) rewards (2 pennies) for positives on the chart
               c) pennies result in obedience and money management
               d) new lists often keep child engaged
2) Rewards need not be material in nature
               a) candy
               b) compliments
3) Almost any behavior that is learned through reinforcement can be eliminated if the reward is withheld long enough
4) Parents and teachers are also vulnerable to reinforcement
                - be aware and in control
5) Parents often reinforce undesirable behaviors and weaken behaviors they value
* no should mean absolutely not, not maybe
* manipulation vs leadership…manipulation = sinister and selfish motives

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My little man thinks he is much bigger than his momma wants him to be!
Just this morning I sat him on his bottom, and when I looked back at him he was on his knees looking over the toy box.  A few minutes later I heard some yelping and found Benjamin on his feet leaning against the toy box very unstable and very scared.  I couldn't believe it!

Although I am far from ready for walking, his Dad seems to think that the need to start developing more coordination. 

Friday, January 15, 2010

Winter Projects

As I type I am very distracted. I am sitting in the rocking chair in Benjamin's room, and he is scooting all over the place, seeing what mischief he can find. Right now, he has located his basket of toys, and is fascinated by Teddy Bear my friend Kristy gave him. He is biting it and horrified at the fuzzies he then gets in his mouth. It's hilarious!

Well the story above describes a lot of my past week. Benjamin is all over the place, finding the greatest joy in cords, plastic, dirt, and buttons. Needless to say, I have spent a great deal of my time baby proofing our house. I have mananged to rearrange the living room so that there is only one "hands off" corner for Benjamin. (other than the curtains) I can move one of the foot stools in front of that corner, and then it is pretty safe wandering for the little explorer. Besides crawling, Benjamin has begun a sort of mini tantrum this week. Now that he is mobile I think he has discovered a few more wants, that he interprets as needs, and chooses to to clench his jaw and scream to inform me of that "need". I am attempting to ignore the scream and wait until he has calmed down to either redirect him, or help him with whatever he needs. I've now begun reading in every bit of my spare time (except now) to learn as much as I can about babies, and behaviors and effective "discipline" at 9 months. It's definitely tiring!

I've also started to attempt crocheting. This will be a short paragraph, because I still don't know what I'm doing, and I'm not having luck with the youtube tutorials. My mom is coming up Tuesday, so hopefully that will shed some light on things!

Joel and I have had a great week getting back into the swing of things with a couple bible studies, and time in the Word. We've also been rather competative and played a lot of rounds of Boggle and Settlers of Catan. Unfortunately I get WHOOPED in Boggle, so I try to play that one as little as possible! Tonight I think we are playing "Are you smarter than a 5th grader", which I am not even going to pretend that I have a chance at. :)

We'll Benjamin has decided I should be done with the computer. I better go!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Mr. Benjamin would like to send out an announcement that he is officially mobile. We call it
Scoot'n, rather than crawling. It's quite the worm like motion, and it usually goes towards
a ball, the christmas tree, or a cord. He hasn't yet figured out how to go from sitting up to
his tummy, so our days are filled with many frustrating yelps for help. He gets very frustrated knowing that he potentially could get places but cant get to this tummy. Then when on his tummy he doesn't get to his destination fast enough. He also has quickly found registers and the living room curtains. Operation "BABY PROOF" is underway!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I just peeked at the calendar and can't believe it is already the 5th of January 2010.  Benjamin will soon be 9 months old, I will turn 26 this year and be closer to 30 than 20, my 5th year anniversary is fast approaching, and that is just the beginning!
This is of coarse the time for New Years Resolutions and rather than pick one and get mad when I fail, I have picked a plethora of goals to help me become more of the wife, the mom, the friend, and overall person that I want to be.  So I will now write them on my bog and hope to not forget them by next week.:)

  • I want to to buy/use predominantly whole grains
  • I want to be aware, and stay away from high fructose corn syrup
  • I want to make lists of what I really want/need to buy and save my $ for those things, in hopes that I don't waste $ on sale items that I really don't need
  • I want to start asking more questions and sharing less personal stories
  • I want to spend more time in front of the Word than I do in front of the mirror
  • I want to start a pattern of prayer for my boys
  • I want to memorize the TMS(topical memory system) over the coarse of the year
  • I want to start meal planning
Overall I want my attitude in this new year to be one that starts becoming the woman that I am always jealous of, and that I struggle to not resent, rather than seeing it as intangible or futuristic.  Hopefully if I can create some of these habits in 2010 and Benjamin might never know that I was any other way...Ready Set Go!