I DESPERATELY wish that I lived in a small town today. This partly stems from my distorted memory of my childhood, and the fact that most of my memories are of when i was much older than Benjamin. But this is my reasoning. I want to know my neighbors. I want to run into one or two families that I know while I walk down the street. I dont want to have to have purpose when I call someone, I want to just run into them on the sidewalk and have worthless conversation, or sit on the porch drinking iced tea, and be able to invite someone over because I see them drive by.
I know, I know. I'm looking for Mayberry life, in a 2010 paced world. And truth be told, if life was truly that slow with not much more to do than go to the soda shop, I might be wishing for New York. But, I am getting fidgety. I LOVE staying home with Benjamin, and I'm not even close to wishing for a career or crazy night life. I think I just need to be more flexible. I need to go to Target with not more of a purpose than looking whats in the $1 isle and to get out of the house. I want to have less planned play dates, where I don't feel the need to clean, but just see people. I need to be a better friend. I am partly feeling this way because when you are the mother of a toddler, good friendships take a very different form of any other stage in life. My good friend declared her need for "low maintenance friendships" at this stage in life. And as much as I applaud her accurate description of what I'm looking for in life, I guess I need TO BE a low maintenance friend. (This is a little tricky, since I've never been "low maintenance" ANYTHING.)
I guess it all boils down to, loving the flexibility of summer, but missing the connection with adults. nothing too traumatic. :)
Well, that is my two cents for the day. (It might only be worth once cent.)
On a much different note, I get to see my baby tomorrow. "Littler" is moving like CRAZY and we have an ultra sound Friday morning at 9:30. I'm excited to see the babe, and find out all the stats. I truly have no idea if we will find out the gender. Joel has pretty much left it up to me, and I think both options are great. If I had to guess, we won't find out. The fact that I lean towards not finding out, so often, makes me nervous that if I do find out, I will regret it the next day. But I dont know. Its also hard for me to see myself staring Lori (the ultrasound tech) in the eyes, and saying that I dont want to know available information about my baby. After typing that, I think "Oh yeah, we'll find out" So as you can see...I'm having commitment issues. Either way, I think it will be a pretty great day!
Benjamin is super. He had 8 teeth at the end of June, and now his mouth is working on ALL the rest. literally. you can see just the tops of most, and there is a couple just barely covered. He has a low grade fever and a super drippy nose as a result. This makes sleeping NOT FUN! But I can't get upset with him when he's just not feeling good, and he's really quite a happy camper considering!
I think I'm done rambling. It wasn't anything worth calling someone about, just enough to make me feel like talking :) (and to someone over 14 months :) )
Happy Thursday!
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