Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Violets two week stats

The numbers are in...drum roll please...


  • BIRTH - 19 inches
  • 2 WEEK - 20 inches
  • BIRTH - 7 lbs 2oz (6 lbs 9oz before we left the hospital)
  • 2 WEEK - 7 lbs 10 oz
Violet had her 2 week appointment today and we found out she's growing like a champ.  Her little cheeks are so full and cute.  I LOVE IT!  She got her Hep B shot, and didn't love that, and we found out that it seems she has an eye infection, and not a clogged tear duct (although it could be both).  We have drops we're putting in her eye for 5 days, and we'll see if that clears it up!  I hate wishing an infection upon her, but I'd rather its an infection that we can clear up in 5 days, than a clogged duct that could hang around for a year.  

Joel and I joke that I prayed a little too hard for a cuddler (that was many of my prayers when I was pregnant.)  She doesn't seem to like sleeping on her own very much, and I'm loving cuddling time, so we'll see how that treats us in the future!

Well, its 9:00 and my hubby and baby girl have headed to our room for the night, and I'm right behind them!  Oh the joys of sleep deprivation!

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