Friday, January 27, 2012

more pictures

This is a little girl, that I'm just getting to cast she is SUCH a lounger!

Don't worry she's really not this skinny (see picture above) but this is after our first bath with the casts on, before we went to get them switched out.  I thought she looked like a cow girl :)

Benjamin came up to me and said "momma! Benin sit...momma picture?!?!" and then he ran behind Violet and posed :)

lazy bones

resting her eyes :)

lots of kisses from mom...(check out that hair, its been doing this a lot lately!

she knew she was cute :) (yeah, she's diaperless...she prefers it that way)

cute and funny

she cried when i tried to move her and they fell off

for some reason the casts have resulted in this position more often than not...I don't get it

Friday afternoon I was kinda going crazy.  Violet had been especially needy wednesday night, thursday and friday.   She wasn't easy or super content being held, and she was Super upset being by herself, but the Hippo saved the day...She just sat and looked out the window for quite a while!

And Benjamin did too

1 comment:

Malaika M said...

Those cast covers (with pok-a-dots... is that what they are??) you have a super cute!!! How is violet handling being casted up? Praying that everything is going well!