Friday, November 7, 2014

1000 word replacement

It's news to no one that I enjoy talking/typing.  But once in a while it occurs to me that peoples ears might be sick of listening...and their eyes sick of reading.  So tonight tell your weary self to take the night off, and check out in pictures what parenting from the couch looks like Lewicki style. :)  

Our week in pictures:

Here's my Joel and I at the Maternal Fetal Medicine Office, after seeing the Ultrasound Tech and before meeting with the doctor.  I don't remember being quite so jolly at the very end of the apt!...

Yay for Norwex cloths and Lysol wipes.  Here is "Cinderellaman" earning his keep.  His other major role is wiping down the bathroom sink with a Lysol wipe.  DONT feel guilty for him...The amt of toothpaste on the wall, toilet base, counter, tile floor and hallway carpet require some kind of accountability for "brushing alone" privileges.  
Also, notice Violet.  Helping. #FirstHandPrintOnTheCleanWindow
(she make stink at washing windows, but she gets a gold star for unloading the dishwasher!)

winning at computer games:)

The damage from increased screen time won't be as bad as the damage from a mom going CRAZY not being able to help clean up their messes...right?

Here is Violet showing Benjamin the best way to watch TV and other like activities...Its not weird.  Her mom had the same techniques :)

Mommas news hobby, and first crocheting project. :)  I'm pretty proud of this, but I really need to learn how to follow a pattern.  My "creativity" is not serving me well, in the long run!

Other fun quotes recently:

"Violet how is your stuffy nose?"
"On my face..."

"Violet you're so pretty"
"No I'm not Benjamin"
"Yes you are!"
"I know, I was just kidding"

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